The oldest and very historic way in the formation of bandung city.Is located in the midst of the city, starting from perlimaan between jl ahmad yani, jl sunda, and jl gatot subroto bandung.Right in the middle of perlimaan, is tugu dasa come bandung who in its walls tergrafir the names of the countries who follow a asia-afrika.The way asia-afrika extending more or less 1 km from perlimaan to a post road.After warning 60th a asia-afrika, jl asia afrika the beautiful because in along the sidewalks standing chairs park to rest the pedestrian, plant pots flowers, balls the world, and the lights designed similar to the streets in europe. In the way also there are many unique quotes about bandung.
"The pasundan earth born while the lord is smiling"- M.A.W. Brouwer


Jaipongan, also known as jaipong, is a musical performance genre of the Sundanese people in the Sundanese language of West Java, Indonesia. Jaipongan includes revived indigenous arts, like gamelan, but it also did not ignore Western music completely despite the ban on rock and roll. It used its sensuality and the sensuality found in a traditional village music and dance, ketuk tilu. However, many believe it is something purely Indonesian or Sundanese in origin and style. It is developed predominately from rural folk forms and traditions as a purely indigenous form. The rise of cassettes and films has led to the popularity of the musical form of jaipongan. It has spread from its home in West Java’s Sunda, to greater Java and Indonesia. It can be seen as many regional varieties of gong-chime performance found through much of Indonesia. As also an urban dance form, it is based primarily on the village forms of ketuk tilu and on the Indonesian martial arts, pencak silat. The musical genre is largely influenced from ketuk tilu with traces of the masked theater dance, topeng banjet and the wayang golek puppet theater. Ketuk tilu is its biggest influence, as a traditional Sudanese musical entertainment form.


Upside Down World Bandung

Current trend photography in the room inverted was happening among tourists .Not only in indonesia , in some asian countries like malaysia and taiwan was being popular .In indonesia , a tourist destination that first carried this concept is upside down world bali , which was followed by the opening upside down world jogja .After successfully be a place new tour in bali favorite tourists , upside down world keeps expanding their .Currently has been present upside down world bandung which theme of an abode or mansion complete with its furniture laid out in reversed .So , for you residents greater bandung area , there was no need to all the way come to the island dewata or jogja to perceive sensations photography in the room reversed .Like a house, tourist destinations unique in bandung latest this provides various room starting from living room, master bed room, kids room, the kitchen, the dining room, until bathroom.Not only that, there are also some rooms which identical to the city bandung such as space music and also of murals.All furnishing or furniture here of course use objects native not imitation.Arrangement tracery really pretty and ciamik, make anyone who comes here be tempted to photography or; s a narcissist.You do not need to worry out of style, because every of the visitors
will be accompanied by a tour guide one will help you stylized at once into a photograph.You need to see when photography is pick up one foot that impressed hovering as in space without gravity.Do not forget take hair gel to enforce your hair.Location and address upside down world bandung located on jl.H.Wasid no.31, lebakgede, coblong, bandung city, west java.Hours



There are two types of gagrak kupat tahu the kupat padalarang and kupat tahu in bandung.Kupat tahu padalarang the spice tending to liquid by a sweet scent and tasteful, while kupat tahu food typical bandung the spice walnut sauce very strong.But, the contents of from both types of kupat tahu is relatively same namely kupat / include, tahu and toge.Bandung city is the seller kupat tahu the legendary and always trading the his food, kupat tahu the information every morning in the market town gempol, so that always called by the name of kupat tahu gempol.Even different from kupat tahu gempol is the spice that taste steadily and lontongnya very springy.



Bandrek this is traditional minumann the sunda from west java.Indonesia consumed brand.Generally drink bandrek, served in cold weather, as dikala rain or night.The main ingredient of making bandrek this is the most important be ginger and brown sugar, but in certain areas added spices its own to strengthen effect warm given drink typical bandung this.Additional spices spices as lemongrass, pepper, pandanus, kampong egg and so on.Milk can added, depends of the appetites presentation of.Many people from indonesia believe bahwasannya bandrek this could heal mild disease namely sore throat.No more bandrek which is devoted to adults, because the effect and children may not drink it.



Bajigur this is drink typical bandung warm , and his trademark the community sunda , java western indonesia .The main ingredient making bajigur this are sugar aren and coconut milk .To add bliss get mixed sedikti ginger , salt and powder vanilla .Well , drink served the traders in the suburbs bandung , ordinary sold by means of a wagon encourage stove .For you a hooked to do with warm drink , bajigur it is totally suitable drink when the weather cold and wet after rain fell .Special meal bandung as cireng or banana boiled , sweet stew or boiled beans is very suitable to accompany bajigur warm this .